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Tri-Amino Blend

Per Injection | $30

Buy a set of 3 and Get 1 Free | $75


Tri-Amino injection is a combination of three conditional, non-essential amino acids: L-Arginine, L-Citrulline, and L-Ornithine that can play a critical role in:

•Cardiovascular health

•Vasodilation (blood flow)

•Erectile function

•General health and longevity

Amino acids are separated into three categories: essential, nonessential, and conditional.

Essential Amino Acids: Essential amino acids are the amino acids that are present in foods - since the body cannot produce them endogenously.

Nine out of the twenty amino acids necessary for health are essential, but adults need get only eight of them from dietary sources: valine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine and tryptophan. The 9th amino acid is histidine and it is only essential in infants. The body cannot store amino acids, so a regular daily supply of these essential building blocks of protein is needed.

Non-essential and Conditional Amino Acids: Nonessential is a misnomer because these amino acids do fill essential roles. They are considered non-essential because the body cansynthesize them, not because they are not essential to health.

Of these eleven non-essential amino acids, eight are referred to as conditional amino acids because when the body is ill or under stress, it may not be capable of producing enough of these amino acids to meet its needs.

The conditional amino acids include; arginine, ornithine, glutamine, tyrosine, cysteine, glycine, proline, and serine. 

Amino acids can be used by the body to produce energy, but their primary function is to build proteins. Certain amino acids may also fill non-protein-building functions; such as in the formation of neurotransmitters or hormones.

Each of the body’s twenty amino acids has a unique chemical structure that dictates how they’ll be utilized. A protein will consist of fifty to two-thousand different amino acids that are linked together in a particular sequence according to specific (genetic) instructions.

 what it's used for 

Tri-amino Injection can be used to supplement the body with two conditional amino acids: l-arginine and l-ornithine, plus citrulline – which in a study published in the Journal Critical Care was identified as a possibly critical biomarker and pharmaconutrient. These amino acids have been shown by various research studies to play a potentially vital role in supporting cardiovascular health, healthy blood flow, and consequently, erectile dysfunction caused by vascular issues and poor circulation.


L-Arginine: L-arginine is an amino acid that can be obtained from the diet and is necessary for the body to synthesize proteins. Arginine is converted by the body into another important substance - nitric oxide.

Nitric oxide relaxes blood vessels which is vital for healthy blood flow to the heart and organs throughout the body (including genitals). Nitric oxide aids blood vessels to maintain the flexibility needed for unrestricted blood flow. This improved blood flow helps maintain both optimal blood pressure and a proper sexual function.

L-arginine has been studied in clinical researched aimed at improving heart and blood vessel conditions that include:

Congestive heart failure Angina pectoris (chest pain) Hypertension Erectile dysfunction (ED)Coronary artery diseaseOrnithine is reduced to arginine in the body, but this will usually occur very slowly, making the combination of arginine and ornithine potentially synergistic.

Preliminary research shows that supplements containing l-ornithine may improve athletic performance, such as; speed, strength, and power. Studies have also shown that l-ornithine may help to support healthy wound recovery; this benefit is attributed to the role of l-ornithine in producing collagen. There is evidence that l-ornithine may act to decrease anxiety levels when combined with caffeine, possibly because l-ornithine has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier.

L-Citrulline: L-citrulline is an amino acid that boosts the production of nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide acts to relax the arteries for improved blood flow throughout the body. 

Some studies indicate that l-citrulline may help people with diabetes that have circulatory issues such as slow wound healing. Because of its effects in increasing nitric oxide production, l-citrulline supplementation may improve dilation of blood vessels and blood flow that can improve the symptoms of mild to moderate degrees of erectile dysfunction.

L-arginine has been used in several studies including recurring pain in the legs from blocked arteries, decreased mental capacity due to age (dementia), and male infertility.

L-arginine has been used in combination with various over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription medications for several conditions. For example: L-arginine has been used with ibuprofen to treat the symptoms of migraine headaches and combined with conventional chemotherapy drugs in the treatment of breast cancer.

In addition to other amino acids, arginine has been used to treat cachexia (wasting) in people with cancer and with fish oil and certain supplements to help reduce infections, improve healing, and shorten recovery times after surgery. It has also been used in protocols used to diagnose growth hormone deficiency since it may stimulate the release of that hormone.

L-Ornithine: L-ornithine is another nitrogen precursor like arginine. It is also the amino acid used in the body’s urea cycle, which makes it possible to eliminate excess nitrogen (ammonia) from the body.

Ammonia is the waste product of normal cellular metabolism. It becomes toxic when it accumulates in the body. L-ornithine is the catalyst in a process that changes ammonia into urea, which is eliminated by urination. The highest concentration of l-ornithine is found in connective tissues like the skin.



The amino acids in Tri-Amino Injection may affect how certain drugs work in the body. Don’t take this supplement if you are using nitrates to treat heart disease, any type of medicine for hypertension or ED drugs like sildenafil, tadalafil or vardenafil. The combination of Tri-Amino Injection with these drugs could result in a dangerous drop in blood pressure

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